Sunday, May 26, 2013

Flats and Hand washing challenge 2013 Day 7


I am taking part in the Third annual flats and hand washing challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry.  For 7 days I will be using only flat cloth diapers and hand washing them in an effort to prove that cloth diapering can be affordable and accessible to all.  You can learn more about the rules and why this challenge was started by visiting the announcement post.  This year there are over 430 participants from all over the world!

What have I learned?

I learned I really don't like hand washing. It's very hard on my back and hands. The diapers get super clean, but it is hard to rinse them properly. Over the week, my daughter developed a rash, so I have been using the non-hand washed flats instead of re-using the ones I have already used this week. Luckily there is only one more day and I have a lot. I'm sure over time if I had to hand wash, I would come up with tricks and methods for this, but for now I will just be glad when the challenge is over.

I have been reminded how much I love using flats and pins! I love thinking of generations before me and the connections we have through mothering and babies. I learned that the diapers got more clean during the challenge than they did in the washer and dryer before we started the challenge. One of my diaper covers had a large dirt stain from playing at the park, even after being washed in the washer and dryer. One time through the camp washer and it is almost as good as new! Instead of the stain covering her whole bum, it is now a spot smaller than a dime!

Thankful for my camp washer, and my husband for taking the time and energy to make it for last years challenge.

Thankful for my drying rack, which is the perfect size for one day's worth of flats/covers and wipes.

And, especially thankful for my sweet little daughter who was 100% co-operative through the whole week with no complaints.

I am glad this year's challenge is over and looking forward to any future challenge I may be able to participate in!

See what other participants learned this week by clicking here :)

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