Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I've made some changes!

6 weeks ago, I began a new plan that will help me to return to health.

I quit dairy, sugar, flour products and fried food.
I began drinking 80oz of water per day, squeezing fresh lemon into almost all of them.
I began enzymes and homeotox.

275 was my highest weight. This was when I was pregnant with my youngest baby Talia, who is now almost 2 years old. Here are some pictures of that time. This change I am making is not about weight, it is entirely about health and wanting to have energy and full range of motion so I can participate in life with my children. However, since weight can be an exciting part of the journey, here is my "before" pictures. This is me in 2011. I have had the baby, and I have dabbled in weight watchers between then and now so my start weight for this new plan is a bit lower than my all time high.


I started this plan weighing 251. My highest non-pregnant weight was around 260. My weight went up and down while doing weight watchers since I would be on and off the plan. Weight watchers is a great program, but you have to stick to it, which I wasn't doing for longer than around 7 weeks each time.

I went to a local lady who has qualifications such as blood analysis, urine and saliva analysis and iridology. The first thing she noticed was that my blood cells clump together and I had bacteria in my blood. She suspected leaky gut. She found some things in my eyes which I don't recall the details of and my test results as a whole showed that I was not digesting food properly, I was not absorbing nutrients and my kidneys and liver were struggling to do their jobs.

I have kept to the plan for 6 weeks now and I had my follow up appointment today. She changed some of the supplements up according to my new test results, but the eating plan will remain the same. The only thing that will change is that I can now introduce one to two servings of fruit per day.

Some of the major changes I have noticed are that I can actually sleep and I feel well rested and I am not so weak and tired. The first week was very painful. I had an intense pain in my lower back/bum/upper legs. After researching it, I have learned that it is very common with detoxes and also when a person begins a raw food diet. I am not eating a raw diet, but I am open-minded to it. I have more energy and I am able to get so much more done around the house. I have more feelings of well being and more energy. I have had almost no cravings for junk food which has really surprised me since I literally felt like a slave to it before.

I could go on and on about this plan, but I will sign off for now. Also, even though health and vitality are my main focus, I will end off by telling you that my current weight, after 6 weeks is 235. That is a total loss of 16 pounds. It feels great to move toward a healthier weight and body size! It feels even better knowing that I am beginning to reverse the damage I was doing internally with my previous lifestyle choices.

Much love and light,

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