We have a new baby!!! That is one of the reasons it has been a while since I've blogged!! I have much catching up to do on here!!! I will start by introducing baby Talia Amy, born July 12th, weighing 8lbs, 11oz.
We drove her all the way to Cypress Hills, Sask so she could meet her big sister, who was at camp!
Here are the adorable diapers we are using for her :) It is an addiction!!! They are called gdiapers :) Click here for the website.. they are soo cute and great for the environment, especially when compared to a regular disposable!
Today, at 3 months, she has gained exactly 5 pounds and sits at 13lbs, 11oz!!
It has been quite the adjustment!! We are still trying to get into a routine!! Sometimes she sleeps 10 hours straight at night which is wonderful!! She HATES car rides and screams the whole time which is VERY stressful!! She fits right in though and the kids ADORE her!!
She loves to be held all day long, but sleeps well in the bassinet. She is starting to coo and "tell stories" which is so heart warming! She has a giant smile and it makes my day wonderful!!

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