Ok, I'm back..I wanted to say more before but I was a bit rushed because I was having my house appraised and needed to clean clean clean!
My specific goals for June are:
1. Go to bed before midnight
2. Wake up with the kids
3. "Go Inside"... see what is going on with my feelings, what I need in each moment, and see if there is anything I need to ask for help/support with.
Going inside ties into my goal of doing things when it comes naturally rather than reading my list. If I check in with myself regularily, I will be very capable of keeping my life balanced with out too much reliance on my list.
This idea of 'going inside' is from a book I read over 10 years ago that helped me to lose weight and keep it off for over 2 years. I did end up going out of balance again, because I stopped using the method she outlines. The book is called
"The Solution. 6 Winning Ways to Permanent Weight Loss" By Laurel Mellin.
The first of six 'cures' is Strong Nurturing. The main idea is to ask yourself regularly the questions of the cure which are: How do I feel? What do I need? and Do I need Support?
I am not sure how often to do this... the more the better!! Hopefully I can remember and also I hope I can find the time to continue reading the book :)