Monday, May 28, 2012

10 things I love about....

10 Things I Love About My Husband:

1. He works hard
2. He is patient
3. He is generous
4. He is intelligent
5. He is kind
6. He is handsome
7. He is helpful
8. He is brave
9. He is loving
10.  He is thoughtful


Day 7 comes to an end!


I am taking part in the Second Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry.  For 7 days I will be using only flat cloth diapers and handwashing them in an effort to prove that cloth diapering can be affordable and accessible to all.  You can learn more about the rules and why this challenge was started by visiting the announcement post.  This year there are over 450 participants from all over the world!

The week is over! What an exciting journey it was! I learned so much! In fact, I think I will continue to diaper this way AND hand wash for at least a couple more days :)

So today is a day for reflection. Here are some of my thoughts about the challenge on this final day:

So how much did I spend???

Bububibi covers 4x $7 and 5x $6.30= $59.50
3 Fleece soakers, home made by a friend 3x $10= $30
Wash board purchased online $30
Laundry tarts, I estimate I used about 65 cents worth
Plunger $5, bucket $7. I have to guess for the scrub brush and gloves since my husband bought them and we did not keep the receipt so I spoke with a friend and we came up with  $3 each. So we will say $18 for this lot.
Drying rack $30
Receiving blankets $20

Diaper pins $1

A second bucket $7
Salad spinner $10
Clothes pins $8
Swish stick $3

So the grand total is about: $217.15

I think if I would have been more careful with money, and left out what I didn't end up needing or using, I could have easily brought that down to $120 or even less!

Before this challenge, I didn't even know what a flat was! I had also never heard of a camp washer. I had never dried anything on a line or rack. I had only used covers over pockets for extra protection...

Before the challenge, I threw poop in the garbage. From now on, it will be going in the toilet where it belongs!! I am excited about this and I may even quit using disposable liners! I only recently started using them because my daughter is eating solids now and her poops are changing! I really hated switching from soft cloth on her bum to irritating disposable liners!

Before the challenge, I thought washing diapers would be really gross... but it really isn't. It was easy and didn't bother me a bit :) I also thought it would take a lot of time, but it took no more time than stuffing pocket diapers.

I learned about softening line dried items... sunning out stains... and many other great tips!

I was especially excited to find that FLATS WORK WELL AT NIGHT!!!  I was so afraid I would be waking up to big puddles on the mattress but I didn't have one leak in the night the entire week!!! Look at my happy baby in her night time flats!

If I was using flats full time and hand washing, I would have to do a few things differently. First of all, I would have to adopt a posture friendly position while washing. I did quite the number on my back. I would also want to learn all the different ways to let the detergent and water work for me, so agitation was minimal. I would also probably get into more of a routine... like wash diapers at the same time each day so it was just a normal part of my day. I would also probably organize the bathroom and baby's room a little more flat and hand washing friendly and organize the supplies to make the best use of the small spaces.

I was thinking next year it would be fun to have some different goals... this year I just wanted to learn more about flats and prove to myself that I can do it. Some things I may want to try next year:

Spending little or no money
Trying different folds
Using less water
Using only cold water
Using my washboard more
Trying different washing routines/detergents
Using as little materials as possible

Well, this has been so much fun and so very rewarding. Thanks to any and all who took the time to read my blogs! See you next year!

If you are interested, click on the links below to see what other participants had to say about their week!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 6- Complete!


I am taking part in the Second Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry.  For 7 days I will be using only flat cloth diapers and handwashing them in an effort to prove that cloth diapering can be affordable and accessible to all.  You can learn more about the rules and why this challenge was started by visiting the announcement post.  This year there are over 450 participants from all over the world!

 So, we are at the end of day 6! Wow, this challenge is flying by! It really is just part of my day now and I easily complete the tasks necessary for the challenge :) Today, I thought I would go through my routine as it has evolved over the 6 days, so this is where I am at now. There are some items I never did end up using (salad spinner, some of my flats, some covers), some items I barely use or feel are unnecessary (scrub brush, bucket with holes in it) and some that I use, but only because I spent the money on it (washboard).

 Well I am more of a "picture" person than a "word" person, so here are pictures from this morning's wash :) We had 2 poops in this load!

I flipped the diaper to spare you the details lol!! I start by using my swish stick to scrape the diapers

 I then use it to swish the diaper around

 Then I flush and swish a few times :) I hold the flat in the stream, and back a bit so it doesn't block the opening.

 Here is where I store my swish stick

 First rinse!

 I use my cell phone to time 3-4 minutes. I agitate the full 3-4 minutes.

 Talia wanted to watch :)

Here is the colour of the water after the rinse:

 Time for washing!! I use HOT water and a teaspoon of laundry tarts.

 I scrub the poopy flats on the washboard.

 Timing my hot wash agitation. Again, I use my phone, but this time for 5-6 minutes... agitating the entire time.

 Here is the colour of my water after the hot wash. It is usually a lot more clear but 2 poopy diapers plus poopy wipes/covers in this load!!

 I squeeze out extra water between all rinses and washes against the side of the tub.

 At this point a do a super fast, super vigorous cold rinse. I don't use a whole lot of water for this part, just enough water to cover the diapers.

 Water comes out clear after this rinse.

 Time for the final rinse!

 I do this rinse for 3-4 minutes.

 My plunger was brand new for the challenge... it is getting pretty worn out already!

 Final rinse water is nice and clear. I will now use this water to soak my future diapers as they wait to be washed.

 It just sits in my bathroom, next to the tub.

 To get the extra water out, I first do a gentle squeeze down the length of the flat.

 Then I bring the ends together, and do a bit harder of a squeeze.

 Then I bring those ends together and I twist it as tight as I can.

 All squeezed out and ready to hang!

 But first, I am going to roll the covers in a towel... it works wonderfully. They are practically dry after I do this!!!

 Now I stand on it

 and I stretch out my calves while I am at it!

 Time for hanging!! I hang everything inside and then I check the weather. If it is a good day for drying outside, I just carry the rack out.

 Just documenting the stains, to see how well the sun gets them out.

 How could I resist taking this photo in the process??

 All hung, now to check the weather..

 A great day to hang outside!

 I make sure to hang the stained flats on the top so I can give them better access to the sun.

 Playing peek-a-boo!!

 Wow, there are still some stains, but the sun did a very good job!!

 The wipes take FOREVER to dry!! I had to bring them back outside for the rest of the day.

Phew! All done until tomorrow!! :)

Check out how everyone else's day 6 went by clicking on the links below! Last day tomorrow!!!!